The Mother and Child Health and Education Trust

Establishing communications technologies that facilitate the flow of knowledge to rural low- middle-income families,
delivering information to educate, motivate, empower and inspire communities around better health and nutrition practices.

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Nand Wadhwani

Nand Wadhwani is the Founder and CEO of The Mother and Child Health and Education Trust.

For over two decades Nand has been building a network of more than 20 projects, initiatives, portals, websites, video channels, social media and other on-line resources that offer the knowledge mothers and fathers, teachers and students, doctors and village health workers, community leaders and the public need to know to keep children healthy, with a strong focus on promoting breastfeeding, safe motherhood & newborn health, preventing and treating diarrhoea, and improving water, sanitation and hygiene practices particularly in India where 20% of the world's maternal and child deaths are concentrated and 40% of the world's stunted children live.

Nand, a health education industry veteran, is presently globally implementing HealthPhone™, one of the Trust's flagship initiatives, which offers access to over 2,500 short educational health and nutrition videos in more than 78 languages and suitable for people who can't read. HealthPhone™ works with many partners in collating this vast library of health videos sourced from a variety of organizations.

Nand is a passionate advocate for the power of knowledge to educate, motivate, empower and inspire communities and particularly women to improve health practices for the benefit of children. He serves on the Steering Group of Healthcare Information For All (HIFA).  » 


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